

Thursday, April 26, 2012

2012 ICAS Australian Science Competition

SCIENCE Years 9-13 - entries are open now!! This is a 1 hour written test in June. A great chance to test yourself-too see how you match up to other students here at HVHS, in Wellington and across NZ. The entry fee is $8. You have just 1 week to enter at the Resource Centre. Entries close on Friday 6 May.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sexual and Asexual Reproduction in plants

Roots and shoot growing from an Avocado seed (sexual); roots growing from an African Violet cutting (asexual) , roots growing from an Orchid offset (sexual)

BBC Bitesize - Variation, Natural Selection

Explore these BBC pages to find out more about classification, variation, natural selection and genetic engineering.
Click here
An activity can be found here

BBC Bitesize - Forces

The following resource may be useful to you in revising gravity, friction, balanced and unbalanced forces and drawing force diagrams (note - pressure and moments are not in this unit)
Click here

BBC Bitesize - Magnetism

The following BBC resource may be useful to you in revising bar magnets, finding the magnetic field and increasing the strength of electromagnets (note - electrolysis is not in this topic)
Click here