

Monday, November 26, 2012

Baking Powder and Baking Soda....what's the difference?

Both of these raising agents contain a carbonate (Sodium Bicarbonate) which behaves in a predictable way when reacted with an ACID.

The general reaction

It is the carbon dioxide gas that produces bubbles of air that makes the mixture rise. Click on this link to find out more.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Parts of an eye

Click here to see an online dissection so that you are familiar with the parts and function of the eye

Monday, November 19, 2012

What is fractional distillation?

Fractional distillation is separating crude oil into other useful components such as LPG, petrol, kerosene and diesel. You can see how this is done by watching the following animation and Powerpoint. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Y10 Revision class

Revision classes are running in B11 from 1530-1730 on the following dates
Monday (19th November) - Botanix and Forces
Tuesday: pHizzing and Hutt Rocks
Wednesday - Taha Tinana and Son et Lumiere
Friday - Science at Work and Current thinking

Come with questions and snacks.

Forces Lab

Explore the following interactive forces lab. Remember forces are measured in Newtons (N) and forces act in pairs (Weight/gravity vs Support force and Thrust vs Friction). The net or resultant force is the amount and direction when one force is subtracted from its pair.

Why bother with Sex? (Sexual vs Asexual strategies)

Almost all organisms on the planet are a result of sexual reproduction, sex must be an advantage. Find out about some organisms that reproduce by asexual reproduction. What are the costs/benefits??
Click here for video

The reproductive role of Flowers

Find out about the costs and benefits to plants of flowering and how plants avoid self pollination (remember pollination is defined as the transfer of pollen to stigma whereas fertilisation is when the male gamete/pollen fuses with the female gamete/egg. Click here

Selective breeding in Cattle

Click on the following link to find out about how humans have developed over 800 breeds of cattle. Selective breeding is when we 'select for desirable traits' by controlling which parents breed together. Examples can be seen in cat and dog breeds, flowers and vegetable crops.

Magnetism and mapping magnetic fields

Click on the following link to see the image of a magnetic field, and how magnets are used in space to map the field of planets!